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NST-New Membership

NST-New Membership

समाजको सदस्य किन ? नेपाली समाज टेक्सास NST को सदस्यता किन लिने ?

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President’s Message

Mr. Rajendra Wagle

Mr. Rajendra Wagle

NST President


Nepal has always been a mystery to the west and fascinating to everyone. There is a lot of beauty in Nepal. With its rich ancient cultures and dramatic scenery, Nepal is a land of discovery and unique experiences. We have a very popular quote that It Says ‘If a man says he is not afraid of dying, he is either lying or is a Gurkha.’ As immigrants, we came with rich cultures and histories and a brave attitude. It is now our responsibility to pass on this legacy to the new generations in the United States of America.

NST Projects/Services

NST ICT Projects

NST ICT Projects

NST ICT ProjectsNST ICT ProjectsNST ICT ProjectsNST ICT Projects